Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My heart hurts! It aching and its breaking...

...Only God can see us through this so please pray for us!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I got a feeling… :)

I got a feeling 2010 is going to be our year! Things are already looking up and I am so thankful! God is amazing, that’s for sure!

The holiday was awesome also! We ate a lot, played games a lot and slept a lot! :D

Anyways, great news! It’s a boy! Either way, it would be great news but yes, we did find out yesterday! Bubba tried to act all cool and calm, said that he knew it was a boy but then later, he was all cheesin’! Hahaha! He really wanted a boy but according to him, he didn’t want to jinx it so he ‘tried’ to act like he didn’t care. I knew better! :P

The pregnancy has been going better which is great; the first 4 months were so tough! I hope it will be smooth sailing from here on out.