Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day was my very first Mother's Day and it was awesome! Had a very nice and relaxing day. Woke up, went to church. Came home and had lunch and then the three of us took a nap. Woke up from our nap and we walked to the park by our place. Ryder rode the swing for the first time and he loved it. He just loves being outside! After the park, Ryder and his dad took me out to eat pho (my favorite food) and it was delicious! :D Then they surprised me with a small rose bush/plant and a nice card. Loved that it was low key and that we got to spend quality time together. :)

On the same note, last Mother's Day, DH got me a new car. Well, new to me at least. I wasn't officially a mother yet but a soon to be mother as Ryder was still taking his precious time growing in my tummy. Anyways, nothing too fancy but I love it and I still love it, one year later. It such a good car, roomy and spacious. I also think it gets decent gas mileage for a SUV and it has 3rd row seating so we can carry extra people if need be. We test drove a couple of different SUVs but this had everything I was looking for and I was not about to get a minivan. :D I heart you my MDX.