Friday, November 2, 2012

Xai Cheng

I am thankful for my husband...  :)  He is the best man for me.  Without his love, guidance, and support, I truly do not know where I would be.  10 years ago, he saved me from myself!  For that, I will forever be grateful to this man.  He has the biggest heart, slow to speak and judge, and quick to love!  His unconditional love is undying and just grows with time.  He's a man of few words, he's a man who is not romantic but the everyday things he does I would never trade it for all the money or fame in the world.  The security he gives me everyday, the space he allows for me to grow, and the joy he brings to my life is unmeasurable.  He is an amazing father, one that I want my sons to role model after.  His love he gives to our sons is undeniably from the bottom of his heart.  He is my driving force and truly makes me a better woman, not just for him or our kids but for myself!  I love my husband and truly am thankful for him.  He is the BEST man for me. :)

When we were young and fun! LOL :p

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